What is a Hoya?

I know some of you have friends always asking, what is a Hoya? Well, many years ago, when all Georgetown students were required to study Greek and Latin, the University’s teams were nicknamed “The Stonewalls.” It is suggested that a student, using Greek and Latin terms, started the cheer “Hoya Saxa!”, which translates into “What Rocks!” The name proved popular and the term “Hoyas” was eventually adopted for all Georgetown teams.

13 Comments on “What is a Hoya?”

  1. Sean says:

    I never knew that. That’s neat!

  2. bauerslater23 says:

    Mr,Arauz,how did the early californians get throghe bad weather when they were traveling?

  3. whalenvictoria3 says:

    Cool!. You learn something new every day. πŸ˜€

  4. sam says:

    Everyday I learn something from you Mr.Arauz. By the way, that is so awsome!!

  5. melanie says:

    Mr. Arauz you help me learn alot. That HOYAS ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Brandon L. says:

    I learned something new in school every day. Thank you Mr. Arauz πŸ™‚

  7. michelle says:

    Mr. Arauz I learned alot of things from you. Thank you Mr.Arauz!

  8. katie says:

    WOW i never knew that!!!!!! πŸ˜‰ XD

  9. briana says:

    Mr.Arauz im glad im in your class! I learn alot everyday:)!!!!!!

  10. katie rocks says:

    why do you keep on posting coments briana

  11. brandon L. says:

    Mr. Arauz you help me learn something πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

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